William H. BURR is a well-known farmer residing on section 10, Roberts township. He was born August 30, 1857, and is the son of Ira and Eleanor (HACKELMAN) BURR, the former a native of New Haven, Connecticut, born in 1802, and the latter of Franklin county, Indiana, born May 31, 1818.
Ira BURR grew to manhood in his native state and then removed to Wabash county, Indiana, where he engaged in farming, and later married Eleanor HACKELMAN. After their marriage they continued to reside in Indiana until the fall of 1864, when they came to Marshall county, Illinois, and took up their residence in Lacon. In the following spring they settled in Roberts township, where they remained two years, and then removed to Coffey county, Kansas, where he again engaged in farming, and where he continued to reside until his death in 1873. His wife also died during the same year. They were the parents of twelve children – Frank, now deceased; Wallace and Warner, twins, now deceased; Thaddeus, now deceased; James H. and Jennie, twins, the former residing in Colorado and the latter in Iowa; Lucretia, now deceased; Mary T. and John, now residing in Iowa; Phoebe, deceased; William H., of this review, and Nettie, who resides in Oregon. Of the sons, Frank and James H. were soldiers in the civil war, Frank dying in the service.
The subject of this sketch came with his parents to Marshall county when but seven years of age, and also went with them to Coffey county, Kansas, where he attended the district schools. His father died when he was sixteen years of age, and he was then forced to commence life for himself. Returning to Marshall county, he worked by the month for various parties until the fall of 1880, when he was united in marriage with Miss Sarah S. GLENN, who was born in Magnolia township, Putnam county, and who is a daughter of Isaac A. and Mary J. (STEWART) GLENN, who yet reside in Magnolia township. Her parents are both natives of Putnam county, and have there spent their entire lives. In their family were eight children, three of whom are now living – Mrs. BURR, Mrs. Eliza H. DISOSWAY, of Iroquois county, Illinois, and Mrs. Jessie E. DUNLAP, of Evans township, Marshall county.
To Mr. and Mrs. BURR four children have been born – Glenn, Earl, Eleanor May, Ira Allen and Edna Jessie. Soon after their marriage they located upon section 11, Roberts township, where they remained until 1882, when they removed to their present place of residence. Their farm now comprises four hundred and twenty-four acres, all of which is under a high state of cultivation and with modern improvements. He carries on general farming, but for the past five years has made a specialty of Aberdeen-Angus cattle, and now has one hundred head of this fine breed, which has no superior. For some years Mr. BURR bought and shipped hogs at Varna, but at present confines himself to his farming operations and the breeding and raising of cattle. Politically he is a republican, and takes that interest in political affairs that every true American should take. While caring nothing for official position, he has yet served his township as road commissioner, and for fifteen years has been a school director. He has always taken great interest in educational affairs and thoroughly believes in giving the youth of the land a good common school education.
Source: The Biographical Record of Bureau, Marshall and Putnam Counties, Illinois published in 1896, page 343.
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