In Bennington, 29th ult. Albert Walker of Manchester to Miss Laur's Church,
Burlington, 29th ult. by the Rt Rev. Bishop Hopkins.
Mr. Edward Smith, of the firm of Smith & Harrington, (booksellers) to Miss
Julia A. Thomas.
In St. Albans, 2d inst. Hon. Jabez Penniman to Mrs. Marvin.
In Panton, 16th ult. Mr. Harry Porter to Miss Eliza Daton.
In Weybridge, 28th ult. Edson Wilcox of Bridport, to Miss Filomela B. Wood,
of New Haven.
In Castleton, on Tuesday last, Mr. Timothy W. Rice to Miss Sarah Harris.
In Orwell, 14th ult. Doct. Thomson Burton of Charleston, N. Y. to Miss Laura
In this village, on Thursday last, Celina Elisabeth Ansley daughter of R. C.
Royce, Esq., aged 18 months.
In this town, on Friday last, Mrs. Experience Barney, wife of Capt. Joseph
Barney, 80.
In Shatt-bury, 21st ult. Orpha Mattison, 36.
In Troy, N. Y. 25th ult. Wm. S. Parker, Esq. 60. He was an early settler in
that city, and Proprietor of the Troy Post.
In Windsor, 28th ult. Frederick Blood, son of Oliver Blood, by deliberately
shooting himself with a musket, aged 18.
In Brandon, recently, an infant child of Mr. Ephraim Maxham, 8 months.
In Middleburn 23d ult. Miss Cyntha Hubbell, 35__ Also, on the 28th Lydia M.
Crane, daughter of Ezra Crane, 12.
In Ferrisburgh, 17th ult. Sarah Rogers aged 89, ___ of Dea. Jabez Rogers
late of Middlebury.
In Clarendon, 28th Jan. last Miss Elmina C. Green, daughter of Lewis Walker,
Esq. 31. ...
David W. Bates, once a resident of Ottawa, and now resides near Hennepin subscribed for two copies of this paper and has not paid for either. One copy was sent to his father, at Victory, Cayuga co. N. Y. The public should be on their guard, for a man that will thus defraud the press is mean enough to steal the pewter on a blind man's cane.
Jail Burnt. On the night of the 28th ult. the new jail at Hennepin Putnam Co., was destroyed by fire. The origin of the fire was caused by a prisoner attempting to make his escape by burning out. This he attempted to do by burning the wood in the door which was covered with sheet-iron, and having a supply of water at hand calculated to quench the flames as soon as the hole would be large enough for him to escape; but, to his astonishment, no doubt, the flames communicated to other parts of the building, and he was obliged to call on the jailor for aid, who immediately rushed to the scene, opened the door, and the prisoner escaped whilst efforts were being made to save the buildilng, which, however, was burned to the ground.
Escape of Prisoners. On Sunday evening last two prisoners, one from Putnam county, the same who recently burnt the jail at Hennepin, and the other from Kendall county, committed for stealing money from Mr. L. Smith, of Georgetown, both of whom were placed in the jail of this county for safe-keeping, made their escape, and have not been hear of since. The manner in which these prisoners effected their escape, says little for the diligence and attention to duty of the jailor, Mr. True. ...
Bill to foreclose mortgage. Trustees of Schools ... vs. William Hopkins and Jane his wife, Joel W. Hopkins, Martha Hopkins, John C. Hopkins, Stephen D. Hopkins, George B. Hopkins, Margaret Hopkins, Melinda Hopkins, and Elizabeth D. Margrave and James W. Margrave. ... THis day came the complainants by Dickey their solicitor, ... by the affidavit of John P. Blake that the defendants, Elizabeth D. Margrave and James W. Margrave are not inhabitants of this state, ...
Executor's Notice. All persons having claims against the estate of Henry Andrews, dec'd., are herby notified and requested to attend before the Probate Justice of Putnam county, Illinois, at his office in Hennepin in said county, on Monday the 18th day of December next, for the purpose of having the same adjusted; that being the day fixed upon by the subscriber, in pursuance of the statute, for the purpose of settling and adjusting all claims against said decedent. T. D. Brewster, Executor. Oct. 24, 1843.
… After the oration, all dispersed for dinner, of which there was an
abundance. We can make no acknowledgments to Misses Disosway and Wanser, and
parents for their kind entertainment of your humble servant.
the inner man was satisfied we were again called to order, and President
Livingston Roberts addressed us, being introduced as the oldest settler now
living in this county. He said: Ladies and gentlemen, I came to this county
with my father in 1828, 52 years ago. We came to Montgomery county in 1825.
My father left Montgomery, and came up through this country, following an
Indian trail from Springfield to Ottawa, where he put in 15 or 20 acres of
corn. In the fall of 1828 father moved the family up to the place that is
mine now. On the 9th of Nov. 1828, our log cabin 18x20, was put up. As we
came over the county we had to ford the rivers and one we had to swim. The
crop at Ottawa was destroyed, and we had to depend upon the game that father
killed. Father was a great hunter. We would haul a load of corn to Tazewell
county to make meal for bread. Father made a mill by making a mortar and
beating the corn with a pestle. We enjoyed this lofe. Had a splendid time. I
now give way to others.
C. W. Barnes was then called for, and
responded: Mr. President, I would rather have been excused to day from this
fact, that I have been called upon to address you at different times. I
would rather have heard from those who have never spoken here. But I will
say to the pioneers and old settlers, I am glad to see you; to look in your
face, to shake hands with you here. There is a feeling of sadness comes over
us as we look around and see the vacant places or seem to see them, places
that are not filled as they used to be. I do not raise the thought to cause
sad feelings. The places are full, but not as we were wont to see them. I
think it is a wise arrangement that we can be gathered to our fathers. There
are ladies here whom I have seen in an old log cabin, with the bake oven,
spinning wheel, loom and their appendages, over which they presided instead
of melodeons and pianos; but …
John Williams of Putnam county said:
"I am not a public speaker. I am not an orator, but I may be ranked among
the old settlers. I am a citizen of Putnam county. Snachwine, which was
settled in the days of the Pottawatomie. Among the old settlers of my
neighborhood is James R. Tallaferro. Snachwine is near the deposit of the
bones of Old Snachwine, the Indian who was said to have been a good man. I
came in 1887, and assisted in building the court house at Hennepin. I was
then a greenhorn in pioneer life, but I got my eye teeth cut. The gentleman
who preceded me spoke of the loom. One of the early settlers of Putnam,
George Hildabrand, built a loom and took for the foundation on ald sled that
he had brought to the country, and they wove out of doors; my wife wove on
that loom. I do not see many around Lacon, who I used to see when we hauled
hogs to old Jabez Fisher, at $1.50 per hundred. If the hog weighed 150
pounds, and $2 if they weighed 200 pounds. But we were happy then and
enjoyed good health. I am no talker so I will stop.
James Martin
said: … E. S. Jones: …
Squire Laughlin of Putnam county. I claim to
be the oldest sucker here. I was born in the state in 1821. Came to this
part of country in 1830. My father was a blacksmith, settled two miles this
side of Florid. He made the first iron plow that was made here, called the
Carey plow, afterwards made the Diamond Carey plow. I suppose it is to tell
what you saw and how you felt in those times that we have come together. I
saw this president 50 years ago. He was a young man then. When we come from
Bond county I wanted to see an Indian. The first I ever seen were in
Wagner's watermelon patch. I was afraid of them then, but could afterwards
talk some Indian. I was proud then. When the Black Hawk war broke out our
people were very much frightened. Just after the killing of Phillips, the
neighbors came together, to help protect one another. We had a dog that
hated an Indian, and the hair on his back would raise on end every time an
Indian came within smelling distance. They had one gun, one axe and the dog.
They sent me down to watch the chickens out of the corn. I was terribly
frightened. I am glad to meet the old settlers here. I intended to go to
Ottawa last week, but could not, so I determined to come here. We all like
to tell our experiences.
J. J. Myers, Geo. O. Barnes and J. E. Ong
Everything went off very pleasantly. Much is due to the
good music furnished by the band, and the splendid songs sung by the glee
Transcribed 13 Oct 2018 by Norma Hass from the Henry
Republican, Thursday, 10 Aug 1880, page 8.
Putnam county is so well known as one of the model grain grazing regions of Central Illinois that I shall not intrude any extended detail on this score, but rather confine my remarks to the progression and life of the people and the advancement which is so steadily and surely going on in every department of husbandry. The immense crops of corn, oats and rye, the luxuriance of the matchless blue grass and the fine Putnam and clover meadows, all stamp Putnam county as a successful stock county. The fine herds and flocks bred, raised and grazed here, are a compliment alike to the county and the owners. Thoroughbred Short Horns, Cotswolds, Clydesdales, English Draft and Normans, Berkshires, Chester and Polands, with model types of other races of farm animals, may be found in every township, and are graded up to the level of kindred animals in the most noted breeding districts Putnam County, in high character of its stock, will make favorable showing with any county in the state. Her people are liberal minded and progressive, and if they are not worldwide travelers, have yet learned, each from the other, so much of the great world of human thought, impulse, sentiment and action, that they are fast becoming cosmopolites, and express in good measure the breadth and freedom and easy self-command of the world character. They constitute an intelligent and practical community, who, if their average daily life be sternly realistic in the ways of bread-getting and home-building, have yet within and around them so much of the ideal, that he is a dull observer who sees not in their relations to the wealth of the herds and grain fields and the poetry of the sweet pastoral landscape, a union of the ___ ideal that works for them the perfect human life. I like the people of Putnam county for their frankness and hospitality, their independence and self-assertion, and the few days passed among them but makes me trust for a more extended future visit. Of the many representative farmers and herdsmen of this section, I subjoin mention of those whom I found time to visit. One mile northwest of Magnolia is the
Some 480 acres in extent, the home of Geo. S. Park, one of the pioneers and the wealthiest land owner in this section. The handsome old style mansion, borne with its broad, hospitable southern piazzas, like the lawn, garden and orchard, indicate the presence and care of the cultivated master, and no man could be worthier of this fine estate than the public spirited and companionable owner whose energy and good business gifts have brought him enviable fortune and position. Nearly one half of these acres are in corn, 40 acres in orchard of the best varieties of apples, pears, cherries and small fruit, and the balance in meadow and pasture. Little Sandy creek, wells and a drain tile system furnish adequate water supply. The prime attraction of this fine farm is a thoroughbred herd of 30 Short Horns of typical families. The herd also embraces three superb registered bulls and a number of fine calves and heifers. Mr. Park has also 150 high grade animals and young stock. Adjoining in LaSalle county he has several tracts of land, embracing some 2200 to 2300 acres. He also owns large bodies in the best districts of Missouri and Kansas. Mr. Park is a progressive and sterling Vermonter, who first visited this region when it was a wilderness way back in '32, crossed to Platte county, Missouri, entered land and laid out Parkville in the frontier, was for several years editor of the Industrial Luminator, which was designed to assist in developing that section, took a strong stand against the repeal of the Missouri compromise bill and the extension of slavery, and thereby was driven out by the Blue Lodge Regulators, who in April '55 threw his press and printing material in the river. In 1874 he made his permanent home here. The next year he founded Park College in the town above alluded to, which is situated nine miles northwest of Kansas City and on the bank of the Missouri river. To this institution he donated 120 acres of land and a fine four story dressed limestone building 80 x 100, also the use of a full section of land adjoining. His object in founding this institution was to establish a school and home for the practical education of young men and ladies, so that they could enter the world well fitted for Christian work and prepared to battle with all the practicalities of life. It is under Presbyterian direction, in educating some 200 souls, and is an institution that deserves substantial assistance from all generous people throughout the Union. Among many outside donations that of Mrs. C. H. McCormick of Chicago, the sum $1,000, will not soon be forgotten by the many whom it so materially assisted. I understand that their noble work will be further advanced, and in writing these stray notes of this fine farm and its possessor, I could not pass it by without a brief allusion to its object and its claim to consideration.
Lies one and a half miles north and east from Magnolia. It comprises 240 acres, is improved with pretty cottage, is drained by 1600 rods of 6 inch tile with 3 inch laterals, is divided by the road, from both sides of which the land slopes, and is well fenced in hedge and wood. Some 65 acres are devoted to corn, 48 acres to oats and the balance to meadow and pasture. Mr. Mills also rents 98 acres of land adjoining, which is also in corn. The most noteworthy feature of the estate is the fine new barn lately completed at a cost of $2000. It is 42x54 feet on the ground, has a five foot ventilating basement enclosed with a heavy cemented rock wall, and has 24 foot posts. It is a model of architecture and convenience, and is by far the most slightly and best arranged barn in the county. The first floor is devoted to stabling, a double row of finely arranged stalls running parallel with the central driveway, the entire length of the barn. In the corner are two bins for oats and corn, with a joint capacity for 80 tons of hay. Mr. Mills has a few high grade Short Horns, is now feeding 24 hogs, and has eight head of work horses and colts. The fine colts testify to his care in horse breeding. One seven-eighths Clydesdale yearling weighs 1350 pounds, and at the late Grange Fair he took sweepstakes on this animal. Also on best sucking cold. He also shows a very handsome two-year old half blood Clydesdale filly. Mr. Mills was born and raised in Magnolia township, is a practical, energetic young man who has gained the esteem of all his neighbors, and is doing capital work for advanced stock husbandry.
Is but a short distance from the one above described, and embraces 160 acres, with comfortable home, good barn, sheds, etc. Mr. Smith was a former publisher of the Magnolia News, issued from Wenona, and has not forgotten how to write a breezy news letter.
is located four and a half miles from Magnolia. Mr. McNabb devotes a good share of his time to the feeding of some 50 to 75 steers, with the usual proportion of choice pigs. This property embraces 160 acres, finely drained by tile system, and under hedge fence. Mr. McNabb owns a pleasant home with the further improvements of fine barn, convenient stock and feed yards, enclosed Fairbanks stock scales, windmill with 150 barrel storage tank, etc. About 55 acres are in corn and oats, the balance being splendid pastures. He also has a good string of work horses, mares and colts. He is one of the most successful dealers and feeders in this section, and is essentially a stock man. I might further note that he is supervisor of this township and a practical surveyor. His leisure time is mostly taken in drain tile surveying for neighboring farmers, and I am glad to note that the community understand the value of this work. It is not amiss to state that this is really the only practical way in which to lay tile. By surveying the grade is made nearly uniform, less tile is used and wasted, much labor saved and the capacity is largely increased.
Are located directly opposite the Smith farm about one quarter of a mile east of the Friend's yearly meeting house. This important enterprise was successfully inaugurated April, '82. W. B. Mills, J. Mills and Oliver Mills are the business partners. Their works are fitted with the most improved machinery for the rapid production of tile and brick. The motor is a 30 horse power engine. A Centennial Tiffany mill was running at the time of inspection, and was turning out at the rate of 5000 feet of five inch tile daily. The firm manufacture all sizes from 2-1/2 inch to 10 inch, and are driven to their utmost capacity to supply the demand. The clay that is used is a very superior article, and is pronounced equal to potter's clay. The firm are building a second brick kiln, and next season propose to have a capacity to supply all demands made upon them for No 1 stock brick. All correspondence relative to this industry should be addressed to W. B. Mills & Bros., Mt. Palatine, Putnam county, Ill., and will receive prompt answer.
Is the property of C. A. Chance, and embraces 200 acres, 10 miles northeast from Henry and 8 miles southeast from Hennepin. About 120 acres are in corn and oats, the remainder being pastures. This gentleman and J. S. Mulfair compose the firm of C. A. Chance & Co., and are the owner of the fine trotting stallion kept on the place. "Anarchy" is a handsome two-year-old bay stallion, with the most prominent strain of trotting blood in his veins, and is an animal that would attract attention in the best horse circles of the country. "Broadhead" is a brown or bay stallion, eight years old, and quite as well bred as the former. When I mention that both these animals were bred on the famous Alexander Stock Farm, Woodburn, Ky., I have indicated to the posted reader all that it required. "Fred Douglas" is a black Spanish jack of excellent breeding, and was also imported from Kentucky. This firm were the owners of "Trouble" since sold for $4000 to Judson Clark of New York, and considered a very valuable breeding addition to the Empire State. Mr. Chance is a native born to this county, is a horse breeder and fancier of superior judgment and great enterprise, and is doing much to advance a high order of stock husbandry. The postoffice address of the firm is Cottage Hill, Putnam county, Ill., and they will be pleased to mail circular containing full pedigree and terms, on application.
Adjoins that of Mr. Chance. It comprises 820 acres of almost level prairie, of which 85 acres are in corn, 67 acres in oats and the balance blue grass, timothy and clover. Mr. Lippert has made several importations of horses, and now has three fine stallions of as many different races. "Mortimer," who is rising seven years old, is a buckeye brown, and is one of the thoroughbred Fox Hunter breed. He was sired by Toxopholite, a noted English Derby winner. His dam was Flying Cloud. The advantage of breeding this superb animal to heavy mares, seems not to be understood hereabouts. To readers I would state that in Wisconsin they have ascertained that by crossing the thoroughbred to large mares, a very stylish and serviceable animal is produced. "Sesostris" is a rising five year old black English Cab horse, a very hardy and serviceable animal, and well appreciated by breeders. The third is "Chairman" rising six year old, a typical English Draft stallion, handsome bay in color, marvelously well conformed and weighs 1800 pounds. Mr. Lippert is from Province of Bavaria, Germany; came here when a boy in 1850, has an estate which with its comfortable home and pleasant surroundings might be coveted by any one, and which is the fruit of his untiring energy.
In distant six miles southeast of Hennepin, and 2-1/2 miles in same direction from Florid. About one-third of the acreage is in corn and oats, and the remainder in pasture and meadow. His herd of Short Horns include the Athol, Seventeens, Fannie Fern and other excellent families, led by the thoroughbred Baron Athol bull. He also has some 22 head of pure bred Cotswold sheep, 50 head of Poland-China shoats, and a good string of horses and colts. He settled in this region 19 years ago, hails from Pennsylvania, has a good stock of sense and enterprise and is always ready to swear by Putnam county. Additional to the management of his farm, he drives an extensive trade in windmills, iron, wood, rubber and force pumps, and everything in connection with water supply system.
the stock farm of John Shering, is one of the notable estates of the
county. It adjoins the east end of Florid, and is about 3-1/2 miles
southeast of Hennepin. It consists of 300 acres, but a small part of which
is in corn and rye; and the balance is royal meadow and pasture. The farm is
admirably watered, is adorned with a handsome home, embowered with trees and
surrounded with lawn, has a good barn, sheds and feed yards. Mr. Shering is
a live, practical Pennsylvanian, who came here some 29 years ago, and may be
named as one of the most influential breeders and feeders of the county. His
"Fort Cribs herd" of Short Horns numbers 30 animals of such noteworthy
families as: Zella, Bright Eyes, Pansies, Gems, Mrs. Motts, Dahlias, Rose of
Sharon, Victorias and Young Marys. They are led by a model Crulkshank bull,
"Royal Duke of Pleasant Ridge." Mr. Shering is also a breeder of choice
Chester-White pigs, and has a drove of 60 animals. He is also feeding 40
head of three year old steers, averaging about 1300 pounds in weight. He
breeds quite as much for constitution and style as for lineage, and the
result is that his herd is one of the best in this section. Mr. Shering has
made a grand success of this industry.
G. W. G.
Transcribed 13
Oct 2018 by Norma Hass from the Henry Republican, 23 Oct 1884, page 7.
Hon. S. R. Lewis said this fall while passing over the ground in and around Magnolia in company with the writer, that he helped more the rival town of Putnam back to Magnolia in the early 40's. There were three buildings and it took them three days with oxen to do it. While passing Cap. Haws' old barn he said he remembered an instance that occurred while they were raising it 50 years ago. Nels Dougan was up on one of the corners of the barn when he called to those below and said, "Listen boys!" putting his hand up to his ears, "I hear old Mrs. Seeley scoling" – (said lady kept a "tavern" 15 miles away and was a noted scold).
Here is a veritable old relic I will give verbatim:
Magnolia, Ill., June 6, 1840.
Miss E. Wierman bought of Jas Hall:
1 Tuscan straw bonnet $6.00
4 Yards brown cotton @ 18c .72
7 1/2 Yards calico @ 31c 2.35
7 Yards calico at 28c 1.96
Charged to account of E. Weirman
by A. S. Tribbins, pair shoes 1.62
Received payment $12.65
(signed) Joseph Hall.
Whitcomb mentions Robt Fell as one of the early blacksmiths. I have here a
bill of iron he ordered by Jesse Smith from Pittsburg. He closes by saying "The
above bill will cost about $40, and I will give thee a great advance on it and
12 per cent interest on thy money until paid, which will be the coming winter.
Thine resp, Robt. Fell. Magnolia, April 4, 184_.
In after years Robert
Fell informed me that he paid the above bill by buying up hams and shoulders at
1 1/2 cents per pound and hauling them to Chicago and selling them at some
Mr. Whitcomb mentions Josephus Phelps as one of the early
carpenters of Magnolia. Susan Weirman tells me that a noted abolition speaker
once came to the old burg in the 40's to lecture, but school house, church, and
every door was closed to him. Josephus Phelps became indignant and declared that
no one should be denied free speech in Magnolia, so he invited the speaker and
crowd to come to his house, and all day he worked at taking the board partitions
out of his dwelling, and arranging for the meeting, which was a success.
S. R. Lewis still lives at Ottawa, aged 80 years; N. Dougan still lives at
Lostant, nearly 80 years, Robert Fell, I think, still lives at Bloomington, and
must be several years over 80. Josephus Phelps died within two years in Putnam
county, aged 87 years.
In addition to Whitcomb's excellent eulogy on
Magnolia and its people, let me add the following, and, like he, I will take in
a little of Putnam and LaSalle counties. From the late Thomas Judd I got the
minutes of an organization that started at Farm Ridge, LaSalle county, in 1843,
passed over into Putnam county, and developed the first agricultural fair ever
held in the west, and was the starting point of the idea, and the system of
agricultural colleges now to be found in the state. This farmers' institute that
started in 1843, was kept up for 15 years or so by such men as Elmer Baldwin, P.
Bullock, W. A. Pennell, John Grable, Smiley Shepherd, Oaks Turner, Elder Powell,
Lewis Weston, Thos Judd, Wm Clarkson, Jas Laughlin and others, all of whom are
dead now but Baldwin and Laughlin, both aged about 90 years.
This set of
men held their first fair at the house of Wm Combs, near "Point Republic" (now
Tonica), in November, 1846, which finally in the early 50's developed into the
very successful fair called the "Buel Institute."
This gathering of men
who met quarterly read essays, discussed questions of importance to the then
undeveloped country, and passed the enactment of some stock laws that led to
such final improvement of the cattle and hogs of the county that its herds
became the best in the state. But the crowning act of this institute was the
agitation of the subject of state agricultural colleges. These men called a
convention at Granville, in 1851, which was largely attended, and which resulted
in a state convention soon after, and in 1862, of the passage of the law and
grant giving each state their college, all coming from the agitation of this
question in Magnolia and Granville townships at Mt. Palatine and Granville for
10 years before.
This goes to corroborate Whitcomb's statement that in
addition to a soil and natural facilities of unexceptional character, the early
inhabitants of Putnam county were a people of unusual energy and shrewdness.
E. G. Elliot, who has surveyed and laid systems of tile all over Illinois,
says he has never found a topsoil and subsoil together that equals what is found
between Tonica and Magnolia.
H. K. Smith
Contributed 08 Mar 2020 by Norma Hass
Shooting Affray
An Old-Time Fisherman of Henry Loses His Life.
The Result
of a Dispute with the Constable at Putnam, Ill., over a Levy made on some Fish.
Coroner's Jury Return Verdict of Unjustifiable Shooting, and Constable Awaits
Action of the Grand Jury.
Very Sad Affair in Every Way.
... The trouble arose over a judgment obtained against M. A. Thompson something over a year ago by E. H. Hutchins. The matter was placed in I. P. Bush's hands for collection, who was unable to get the money. Thus it stood until learning that Mr. Thompson was shipping fish to Chicago from Putnam, Mr H. sent the judgment to Constable George Williams of Putnam county, for him to make a levy on some fish and try and get the money. ...
[Entire article contains detailed accounting. Witnesses sworn included Joseph Glenn Thompson, Joseph Douglas Crompton, Marion Ball, and Dennis McEvoy.]
The Verdict.
We, the jury sworn and impanneled to hold an inquest over the "body of
Matthew A. [Archibald] Thompson, found dead in the freight house of the depot of the C.
R. I. & P. R. R. at Putnam station, in Senachwine township, Putnam county,
state of Illinois, Jan 8, 1895, after hearing the evidence, we the jury find
that the said Matthew A. Thompson came to his death from the effects of two
pistol shot wounds from the hands of George Williams, and we the jury
further find that said shooting was unjustifiable, and recommend that the
said George Williams be held to the grand jury of Putnam county, Ill.
O. P. Carroll, foreman.
J. B. Bush.
J. W. Peterson.
George W. Bean.
A. S. Dawson.
W. S. Murphy.
Extracted 26 Sep 2019 by Norma Hass. Image from the Henry Public Library's online digital newspaper collection.
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