George W. Franceway is a native son of Granville township, where he yet resides, his home being on section 21. His natal day was August 31, 1852, and his parents were Bushrod and Maria (Ham) Franceway, both of whom are now deceased. The former was born near Harper's Ferry, Virginia, in 1822 and came to Putnam county in 1844. He was here engaged in farming and subsequently removed to Grundy county, Illinois, where he lived for twenty-three years, when he took up his abode in Iowa, his death occurring at Seymour, Wayne county, that state, when he was seventy-two years of age. His wife passed away in Grundy county when fifty-two years of age. In their family were four children, of whom three are now living, while one died in infancy. James Franceway, a brother of our subject, lives with him and is interested with him in his farming operations. They have a sister who is a resident of Streator.
No event of special importance occurred to vary the routine of farm life for George W. Franceway in his boyhood days. He worked in field and meadow from the time of early spring planting until crops were harvested in the late autumn and in the district schools acquired his education. He remained with his parents until twenty-one years of age and then began work on the farm by the month. Saving his earnings, he later felt justified in beginning farming on his own account, his first purchase of land making him part owner of one hundred and twenty acres where he now resides. He and his brother James purchased this together and since then have been carrying on farming operations conjointly. Their place is well improved, having many modern equipments and accessories upon it, while the residence is a good frame structure and there are substantial barns and outbuildings, all of which have been erected since the brothers took possession of the farm thirty years ago, at which time there was a log cabin upon the place and but poor outbuildings. The brothers have since carried on general farming and have raised good crops, from which they have derived a very gratifying annual income.
On the 10th of March, 1880, George W. Franceway was married to Miss Catherine Child, who was born in Granville township, a daughter of David L. and Margaret L. (Dysart) Child, early residents of Putnam county. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Franceway have been born four children: Margaret, who was graduated in 1905 from the University of Illinois; Alice, at home; and Elsie and Clarence, who are attending school.
The family attend the Congregational church, of which the parents are members, and Mrs. Franceway, who is a very intelligent lady, belongs to the Ladies' Aid Society of the church and has recently been active in soliciting assistance to improve the cemetery. Mr. Franceway is a man of strictly temperate habits and principles, using neither liquor nor tobacco, and his influence is ever given for those measures which are for the betterment of mankind. In politics he is a republican and for eighteen years has served as school director. He and his family are very pleasant and hospitable people, taking an active and helpful part in church work and being allied with all those movements which work for the improvement of the county along material, intellectual and moral lines.
Source: Past and Present of Marshall and Putnam Counties Illinois authored by John Spencer Burt and W. E. Hawthorne in 1907, page 497.
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