Putnam County

1907 Past and Present

First Settlements

The first settlements in this section were made from 1828 to 1830. A man by the name of Thomas Hartzell had established a general trading station or store, trading mostly with the Indians as early as 1817 at the present site of Hennepin, but it was ten years later before the actual settlers began to come in, Capt. William Haws settling near Magnolia in 1826; and by 1835 the country east and southeast of Hennepin, what is now Putnam county east of the river, was fairly well settled and small towns had sprung up at Hennepin, Florid, Granville, Magnolia and Caledonia.

These settlements were all in what is now Putnam county and as a full and complete history of Putnam county is to be found under its appropriate heading, we will confine ourselves to the limits of Marshall county in the future, though the history of the early settlements when it was all Putnam county are so interwoven that it is almost, if not quite, impossible to separate them, for up to 1839 it was all Putnam county. So that what may be said up to that time must necessarily be Putnam county history.

Extracted from Past and Present of Marshall and Putnam Counties Illinois, authored by John Spencer Burt and W. E. Hawthorne, published in 1907, page 13.

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