Putnam County

1883 Pensioners 

Name of Pensioner * Post office address * Certificate Number * Cause for pension * Monthly rate * Date of original allowance

Albert, Joseph B * Florid * 98,430 * wd.l.shr, & back * $4.00 *

Baker, Benj F * Magnolia * 88,947 * loss isght l.eye, dis.right * $18.00 * Jan., 1878
Barmore * Hennopin * 192,336 * minor of * $16.00 * May, 1881
Bentley, Wesley H * Hennopin * 150,854 * wd.face * $6.00 *
Brands, Truman S * Granville * 180,305 * dis. Of lungs * $10.00 * Dec., 1880
Brumtiehd, John T * Hennopin * 213,712 * chr.diarr * $4.00 * June, 1882
Bumgarner, Oscar * Mount Palatine * 92,026 * wd.l.hand * $4.00 *
Burney, Mary E * Hennopin * 1,633 * widow * $2.00 * July, 1871

Cook, Saml.W * Magnolia * 220,621 * ch.diar * $7.50 * Nov., 1882

Ellis, Catharine * Hennopin * 41,968 * widow * $8.00 *

Fowler, Geo * Hennopin * 206,090 * inj.to l.foot * $4.00 * Apr., 1882

Haws, Joel * Magnolia * 21,126 * Surv.1812 * $8.00 * Oct., 1873
Henderson, Mary A * Hennopin * 141,527 * widow * $8.00 *

Johnson, Jacob * Granville * 199,929 * wd.r.heel * $6.00 * Dec., 1881

Lucas, Wm II * Hennopin * 165,139 * Rheu. & ch. Diarr * $6.00 * Mar., 1880

Massie, John W * Magnolia * 218,038 * diar. Inj.back.r.hip, knee * $6.00 * Sept., 1882
McCormick, Andrew * Magnolia * 192,818 * minor of * $12.00 * July, 1881
McNabb, John * Mount Palatine * 2,228 * wd.r.wrist * $18.00 *
McSmith, Robt * Granville * 78,134 * Diabetes & gen.deb * $8.00 *
Morris, Olsen * Granville * 67,958 * wd r.thi * $8.00 *

Nesmith, Thos. J * Cottage Hill * 16,572 * Surv.1812 * $8.00 * May 1872
Noxon, Aspasia C * Hennopin * 150,296 * dep.mother * $8.00 * May, 1871

Petetlsh, Parthenia M * Magnolia * 17,027 * widow * $8.00 * Mar., 1864

Schultz, John * Granville * 36,368 * wd.l.breast * $8.00 *
Skinner, Myron C * Hennopin * 46,989 * loss l.leg * $18.00 *
Stouffer, John M * Hennopin * 184,759 * inj.of back * $8.00 * Mar., 1881
Surby, Beuf. F. * Granville * 15,598 * amp.l. Arm * $18.00 *
Suteliff, Beui * Hennopin * 134,633 * vari.l. Leg from dropsy * $6.00 *

Thomas, Ruhannah * Hennopin * 19,349 * widow * $8.00 *

Way, Mary Jane * Clear Creek * 171,260 * widow * $10.00 *
Wells, Samuel * Hennopin * 56,104 * gis.w.rt.arm * $4.00 *

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