Putnam County

Queries - Feb 2000 to Dec 2000

Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2000 09:23:55 -0600
FrankGreene mailto:BETTYG29@worldnet.att.net
Looking for information on Lydia Lane listed in the 1860 Census of
Putnam Co.
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 15:18:01 -0600
RichPettit mailto:richardp@stl.quik.com
Looking for a nursing home that was in operation in Magnolia, Illinois around 1927 to 1930. Was informed that my Ggrandfather Charles G. Pettit died there around this time period. Need to know who could I write to for a death and a burial certificate of where and when.
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 20:09:47 -0500
MelvinandSharonBaker mailto:mjsb@tanet.net
Help. I am looking for confirmation that a Charles F. Baker was born in Putnam Co in 1870. His parents would of been John W. and Susanah A. Baker. Does anyone have John and Susanah on the 1870 census in Putnam Co. Thank You
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 20:14:00 -0500
MelvinandSharonBaker mailto:mjsb@tanet.net
Does anyone have a Adam Brock family in Putnam Co. in 1870? Thank You. Melvin Baker
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 19:04:31 -0400
GordonNeilJones mailto:gordon_jones@tir.com
My great-grandfather, William Shackles, was born on July 26, 1861 in Granville, Putnam County, Illinois. He was the son of James Shackles and Dina Cibles. James was born in Ohio and Dina was born in Newton, Jasper County, Illinois. William Shackles married Susan Frances Walker in 1883. Susan was the daughter of James Walker and Mary Jane Peters. I am interested in any information pertaining to these individuals or their related families. Thanks in advance! ( gordon_jones@tir.com )
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 15:35:18 -0400
PaulA.Studly mailto:paulstudly@compuserve.com
James H. PHILSON son of James PHILSON & Susanna POORBAUGH
Alizanna PHILSON dgh of THOMAS PHILSON & Charlotte Ellen MCCARTY
Interested in Descendants of James Harold/Henry 4.3) PHILSON - 14 Apr 2000
1-James Harold/Henry 4.3) PHILSON
b: 26 Mar 1835 in Allegheny Twp., Somerset Co., PA
d: 14 Jan 1905 in Harlan Twp., Shelby Co., IA
sp: Alizanna PHILSON
b: 29 Jan 1840
m: 1860 in Magnolia, Putnam Co., IL
d: 16 Mar 1883
2-Ida Alizanna (5.10) PHILSON
b: abt 1861 in Illinois
d: abt 1895 in when/where
2-Jesse Grant (5.11) PHILSON
b: abt 1863 in Illinois
d: abt 1922 in when/where
2-Minerva E. (5.12) PHILSON
b: abt 1865 in Illinois
d: abt 1867 in when/where
2-Willard Emory (5.13) PHILSON
b: abt 1868 in Illinois
d: abt 1924 in when/where
2-Hertz Keiser (5.14) PHILSON
b: abt 1873 in Iowa
d: 1931 in when/where
2-Francis Marion (5.15) PHILSON
b: abt 1876 in Iowa
d: 1926 in when/where
2-Florence Mabel (5.16) PHILSON
b: 1877 in Iowa
d: 1941 in when/where
2-Lucy Pearl (5.17) PHILSON
b: abt 1881 in Iowa
d: 1950 in when/where
b: 14 Dec 1866 in Harlan Twp., Shelby Co., IA
m: 22 May 1890 in Harlan Twp., Shelby Co., IA
d: 25 May 1942 in IA?
2-Charlotte Belle (5.18) PHILSON
b: abt 1891 in Shelby Co., IA
d: 1985 in when/where
2-Grover Cleveland (5.19) PHILSON
b: abt 1893 in Shelby Co., IA
d: Oct 1977 in IA?
2-James Harold Jr (5.20) PHILSON
b: abt 1895 in Shelby Co., IA
d: Dec 1948 in IA?
Family via POORBAUGH extends back to Philip BURBACH, recognized as Rev
War patriot by the DAR. also to Robert PHILSON 1759-1831 & sp Judith
Prepared by:
Paul Studly
Janice Albright Studly (Mrs Paul A.)
12911 Lynn Drive, Chesterland, OH 44026
e-mail paulstudly@compuserve.com
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 20:46:05 -0700
DavidBanash banash@att.net
Hello, I am researching the Moore family which included Robert, James M. and Robert C., of Osceola, Peoria and Toulon. I would love to hear any information and share what I know. Many thanks, David Banash dbanash@att.net
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 00:11:26 -0500
SharonAlmirall mailto:sharon.almirall@mx3.com
I am trying to gather info on my family tree namely william and George Carrier. they both lived and I believe buried in Hennepin I can be e-mailed at the following address carrcad@hotmail.com
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2000 21:27:38 -0500
KathyDaly mailto:kthydaly@ccp.com
I am interested in coming to Putnam area May 26-29, 2000. Can you tell me if any research facilities or libraries will be open? Also if the Court House will be open on Friday? Can you give me directions to the Florid Cemetery? I am researching the Curtis Chance Family and the John Chance/Catherine Faling Family.. I sent a copy of my Ancestor charts to the Historical Society, but so far have not received a reply. Thanks for any information you can provide. Are there reasonably priced motels in the area?
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 11:04:01 -0700 (PDT)
MadonnaKasper mailto:jmadonnak@yahoo.com
Dave: I am looking for my great grandparents John Hickey and Ellen Dalton. They applied for a license in La Salle County, Illinois. It evidently was not returned into La Salle County. It was dated l860 no other info. Sometime between then and May, l86l they were in Hennepin, Putnam County, Illinois. The children born in Hennepin were John, May l86l, Julia Elizabeth, l865 ca, David Dec l868 and Thomas l870. In l87l they moved to Iowa. I would appreciate info on any of the above and also whatever can be found on the Dalton Family. All I can tell you about them is that they had a Nell and Kate. Thank you. Madonna Kasper jmadonnak@yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 7 May 2000 16:11:57 -0700
Whitakers mailto:rdnlisa@netins.net cc: leininqd@pobox.com
I am looking for information on Moses Tichenor, who lived in Putnam county between 1830-1850. I would appreciate any assistance you can give me. Thank-you. Please direct any information to the following e-mail address: rdnlisa@netins.net.
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 09:26:47 -0400
JudithKnight mailto:jknight@boone.net
Seeking information on Cyrus S. STEVENS, my gggrandfather. The last place Cyrus was known to be was in Henepin [sic] IL when he wrote a letter to his parents Moses and Elizabeth Mary STEVENS back in Branch County MI. Cyrus stated that he had been shipwrecked while travelling down the Illinois River on his boat. He had accidentally run into his brother-in-law James ABBOTT while on the banks of the river. He mentions being with his family. Cyrus' wife was Gertrude KOON [variant spellings]; their children were George [b 1841], Charles [b 1844], Elizabeth Ann [b 1846], John Beebe [b 1852], Susan Irene [b 1854], Samuel [b 1857], Henry William [b 1858] and Isabelle [Bell] [born 1862/63 --this date is iffy]. Gertrude married again in 1869 in Sangamon County, IL to Thomas Auston so, obviously, Cyrus was out of the picture. Any info is appreciated; I will be glad to share what I have. BTW--there is another Cyrus S. Stevens in Macon County, IL but he is not my Cyrus. Thanks, judy arnn-knight PS--Dave--my query was one of the missing ones--I had posted it mid-summer of 1999; cannot find it now jak
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 01:13:39 EDT
Dave, The following paragraphs is background for my queries (last paragraph). I am the great grandson of Augustin Staiert. I grew up on the farm at Carroll Iowa that Augustin Staiert moved to from Senachwine Township? in 1877 with his wife Amelia (Dentlinger) Staiert and his two oldest children. Their names were Theodore (born Oct 12 1874) and Mary (born Mar 3, 1876). He had purchased the land in Iowa in November (recorded on Nov 24) of 1873 after most likely making the initial down payment in 1871. He would have traveled by rail on both trips to Carroll County Iowa and bought the land from the railroad (which eventually became the Chicago Northwestern). He is listed in the 1870 US census as a hired hand living and working with Peter Bachman who lived in Senachwine Township. Augustin married Amelia at Sacred Heart Church in Hennepin on December 4, 1873. I have copies of the marriage license and parish records. I also have copies of his citizenship papers. His first papers are dated Oct 26, 1870. His final papers are dated 28 October 1872 and is witnessed by Peter Bachman and Peter Feltes. I also have a copy of a Military Census dated July 20, 1863 listing Augustin Staiert and Peter Bachman.
Prior to this, Augustin is believed to have traveled to the US at least two times. Once in 1856 and the second time in 1866. Augustin was a native of the Black Forest region and participated in the selling of the Black Forest clocks and also a regional art form called Hinterglassbilder in which the picture is painted on the reverse side of a piece of plate glass. Popular images included George Washington and other patriotic themes. Augustin worked and traveled with another man named Josef Benitz. Josef Benitz is known to have sold clocks and paintings in Chicago, Peoria and Freeburg Illinois. In 1866 Josef Benitz was in Chicago and lost contact with Augustin when he went west. Additional background: A Mathais Gross is also listed as a hired hand living with Peter Bachman on the 1870 US Census. He married Genevieve Dentlinger, sister of Amelia in 1874 (one source says at Henry Illinois and another at Hennepin Illinois). They moved to Carroll County Iowa in 1882. The Dentlinger family emigrated to America in 1872. They were friends/relatives of John Noder who lived in the Hennepin area. I don't have any info of John Noder.
My queries are centered around trying fill in the blanks on Augustin's life after arriving in Senachwine township. I would like to locate the Peter Bachman farmstead and land. Is the farmstead still in existence? Who lives there now? Peter Bachman is the son of Henry Bachman. He also had land. Where was it located? Are there plat maps available showing the Bachman farms? I have not been able to locate any birth records for Theodore and Mary. Do they exist? Where did Augustin and Amelia live after they married? Perhaps it was nearby closer to Henry Illinois. Any assistance in answering these questions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Dick Staiert Great Grandson of Augustin Staiert.
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 16:18:19 -0500
RubyColeman mailto:rcoleman@inebraska.com
I am seeking any information on Patrick Cosgrove, born about 1825 in Ireland. He married Maria Regan who was also born in Ireland in about 1832. They are shown on the 1860 Federal Census, Putnam Co., IL, Granville Twp., page 523. Also in their household were children (all born in IL): Catherine, 7, John 5, Thomas, 4, Fanny 2 and Mary Ann 1/12. Another known child was Teresa Cosgrove, born 12 Dec 1867 in Granville, Putnam Co., IL, md. Henry Kunkel. Ruby Coleman rcoleman@inebraska.com
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 22:52:10 EDT
Hi, I am looking for ANY information on what became of Americus Ira LOCKE and family who were enumerated in Magnolia, Putnam, IL in the 1870 U.S. Census. Americus was a Methodist Minister, b. 12/13/1835 to Ira LOCKE and Hannah PUTNAM (no pun intended) in Rockingham, Windham, VT. He m. Laura N. _____ b. abt 1840 in Jamaica, VT. They had Clarence Ira 7,18,1858 Barnard, VT; Corna N., b. abt 8/1860 Jamiace, VT; Elva A., b. abt 1862 Wisconsin; Irving (?) W., b. abt 1868, IL; and, Viola LOCKE, b. abt b. abt 1869 of Magnolia, Putnam, IL. Does anyone know what became of this family? Thanks in advance for any help, Jerry Harrison jroots@aol.com Albuquerque, NM
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 23:39:39 EDT
I am searching for information on the family of Jonathan Long. He is listed in the 1870 census but the film I was reading was very faded and hard to read. His wife's name was Helen. I would like to find her maiden name and if they are buried in Putnam county. They were also listed in the 1900 census living in the township of Senachwine in Putnam county. Helen was the mother of 8 children with 5 living in 1900. William and Belden? were listed in the 1900 census living with the parents. Thanks for any help Joyce
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 15:04:44 -0500
Jim&BarbaraWolfmeyer mailto:wolfmyr@adams.net
I am looking for any information on Thomas Whitfield SIMPSON, b. ca 1846 Shelby Co. TN. In the 1860 Putnam Co. IL census, he was shown in the household of James S. SIMPSON, age 53, b. TN, farmer. Thomas Whitfield SIMPSON was the brother of my gr grandmother and I need any info anyone might have about him, as well as info re James S. Simpson who I believe was his uncle. Thanks for any help. Barb Wolfmeyer Taylor, MO wolfmyr@adams.net
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 16:01:38 -0500
JanBonilla mailto:bonilla@megsinet.net
I am interested in obtaining information relative to a burial in a Hennepin, Putnam, IL cemetery. In particular, I am looking for the name of the cemetery (and address where records are kept) for: William G. NOXON D. 20 Jan 1931 Place of death: Chicago, Cook, IL Place of burial: Hennepin, Putnam, IL I am also interested in knowing if others of the surname are buried in the same cemetery. Would you kindly advise your fee for researching this information? Thank you. J. Bonilla bonilla@megsinet.net
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 15:37:03 -0500
RandallHill mailto:rmh1812@stlnet.com
Is there a listing of the persons buried in the Murphy Cemetary in Putnam County? We have a letter from James Murphy written at the end of the Civil war from Oxbow in Old Putnam. We are interested in contacting anyone searching into his family background
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 17:03:13 EDT
Looking for any info on my gg grandparents: Ulysses Grant Kocher b. Mar 20, 1868 in Marshall Co., IL. ; m.Tamar Jane Calley(sp?), aka Jennie, 12/25/1890 in Putnam Co. b. 1874. Steven Fay Tucson, AZ sfaysfay@netscape.net
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 22:53:04 -0500
I was hoping Putnam County had a discussion group. I am looking for a relative, Cora ALLEN d/o Eli and Rebecca CLEMENS ALLEN b. 23 Feb 1882, Putnam Co. d. 3 Sep 1960 Spring Valley, Putnam Co. I know that she was a DAR member and was hoping to find out the chapter where she was a member. I would like to correspond with anyone who is related or knows of this cousin of mine. Thank you. Judy Allen Neese.
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 09:03:07 -0700
MaryAylesworth mailto:mmaylesworth@home.com
I am researching the origin of my grandparents Martin Bryan and Mary Rossen who were married in Putnam County December 17, 1896. They were Danish immigrants. I know that my grandfather's name had been anglicized, I believe the original in Danish was Martinus Brynde. Martin was born April 14, 1873 in Denmark and died in Denver, Colorado in 1936. Mary was born January 20, 1873, in a Danish-ethnic part of Germany and died in October, 1933 in either Denver, Colorado or Capron, Illinois. They had six children, two died in infancy. The remaining four (now deceased) were:
- Minnie Bryan (b. Mar 21, 1897, married Anker Rasmussen)
- Eleanor Bryan (b. Jan 9, 1904, married Gerald Land)
- Harold Bryan (b. Sep 10, 1910)
- Margaret Bryan (b. Oct 12, 1916, married Max McCartney)
I would appreciate any information or clues that would assist me in identifying their parentage and birthplaces. Mary Aylesworth mmaylesworth@home.com
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 01:48:53 EDT
My great grandmother was Jennie Greiner and she was born in Hennepin on 9/11/1860 and married John Wesley Markley. Have any info on these names? Thank you. Karen Fugate
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 15:04:21 -0400
virginiabrown mailto:brownie@tidalwave.net
KESSLING: Looking for information on the Kessling/Kesling family. William b. c.1832 and Angeline (Brown) b. c.1835 Kessling are found in Magnolia Township, Putnam County in the 1870 and 1880 census. (In 1860 they were in Erie Co., PA) By 1900, Angeline is shown living alone in Hennepin Township. Children appear to have been Henry, Emma, Alexander, Wilhemina, Caroline, William, Edward, Lewis, Sarah all b. PA and Oscar b. Ill (age 1/12 in 1870). Of particular interest are William and Edward. William may have married Cora Porter in Livingston County c. 1888/9, then died in 1892, and then Edward married Cora c. 1898. Looking for any information on this family, their last resting place, families of origin, etc. Joyce Brown jebrown@ecity.net
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 08:40:01 -0500
Linda mailto:lkmorris96@excelonline.com
I'm searching for Fred E. Kuhl and ancestors. Fred, b. 13 Apr. 1830 Germany and d. Jan. 7, 1910 in Florid, IL. According to grave stone in Granville cemetery. Also, son, Fred b. 1876 and died 1945, Hennepin, Florid, and married Anna Burr. Looking for other records--ancestors, immigration, military, marriage cert., land records, etc. Thanks, Linda
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 22:29:30 EDT
My G.G.gfather John Woolstoncroft and wife Elizabeth Phillips burried at Magnolia. I am trying to find information and living relatives related to daughters, Hanna Ann who married Edward OWEN (s) Hannah was born Nov 14, 1846 she had one son John Calvin OWEN who married Maude Mae HAMMOND, they had 2 ch: Pyrdith Edward who had 4 ch: John OWEN born in 1938, Kathrye, Penelope and William. The second child of John and Maude was Etta Mae who married Howard LORENZEN and they had daughter Susan in 1941. Any further information would be greatly appreciated. Elizabeth Ellen Woolstoncroft born Nov 14, 1846; (and yes she was a twin sister to above request.) Married to John Warner who was born April 1 1844. They had one known son, Seth R. WARNER born May 8, 1872. Any further information on this line would be greatly appreciated. ________________________________________
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 22:35:40 EDT
Mrs. John Woolstoncroft burried with husband at Magnolia. I am interested in
others of her maiden name PHILLIPS who are burried at Magnolia, and If anyone knows someone interested in the PHILLIPS research, please let me know. Elizabeth was born Mar 8, 1816 in Lancashire, England to parents John and Mary (Heywood) Phillips. John's parents Edward Phillips and Mary Howfield were originally from Wales...If anyone working on this line, please let me know, Thanks Maurice
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 22:35:40 EDT
Mrs. John Woolstoncroft burried with husband at Magnolia. I am interested in others of her maiden name PHILLIPS who are burried at Magnolia, and If anyone knows someone interested in the PHILLIPS research, please let me know. Elizabeth was born Mar 8, 1816 in Lancashire, England to parents John and Mary (Heywood) Phillips. John's parents Edward Phillips and Mary Howfield were originally from Wales...If anyone working on this line, please let me know, Thanks Maurice Woolsoncroft
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 20:06:14 EDT
Sir; I would like to verify records of birth for; Elmer Henry Hokinson, b. Oct. 22, 1895, and Esther Marie Hokinson, b. May 13, 1998. Also marriage record for Hansk (Hans) Hokinson b. April 18, 1867 ( could be using name Nilsson) and Johanna Matson, b. Aug. 29, 1869. If available What address do I send to and what is the cost ? Thank You for your time and trouble. Jim Hokinson jhokinson@aol.com
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 13:34:52 -0500
PFPD mailto:ParkfallsPD@cji.net
Where are the Putnam County marriages indexed? They aren't listed on the statewide marriage index... Also, I heard that Putnam County newspapers are in private hands - is this true? Can't the state force the owners to allow them to make copies so the general public can have access to them? Are there any cemetery indexes available for Putnam County? Any help appreciated! Lois
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 10:36:34 EDT
I'm looking for info on William Winchell, all info I have is he was born abt 1800, from NY,his census was from 1860 from Putnam Co. He had married Sussannah Byram on Aug 16th1835. I greatly appreciate any help or info you can provide for me
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 12:22:17 -0800
My TAYLOR relatives lived around Putnam and La Salle Counties.... they moved to this area from Fayette County, PA., around 1842. The ones I know of were: Samuel Taylor, b. 1791 married to Eleanor Thirkield. They had at least these children: Samuel J., Ellen, Charles and John Taylor, b. 1818. John Taylor married Mary Ann Mills, daughter of Joseph Mills. They, also, moved over from PA in 1840. I could name some of Johns children..... Hopefully someone will recognize the TAYLOR surname! Thanks! Angela Taylor-Somers somers@jps.net
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 15:04:21 -0400
virginiabrown mailto:brownie@tidalwave.net
KESSLING: Looking for information on the Kessling/Kesling family. William b. c.1832 and Angeline (Brown) b. c.1835 Kessling are found in Magnolia Township, Putnam County in the 1870 and 1880 census. (In 1860 they were in Erie Co., PA) By 1900, Angeline is shown living alone in Hennepin Township. Children appear to have been Henry, Emma, Alexander, Wilhemina, Caroline, William, Edward, Lewis, Sarah all b. PA and Oscar b. Ill (age 1/12 in 1870). Of particular interest are William and Edward. William may have married Cora Porter in Livingston County c. 1888/9, then died in 1892, and then Edward married Cora c. 1898. Looking for any information on this family, their last resting place, families of origin, etc. Joyce Brown jebrown@ecity.net
Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2000 13:33:24 -0800
JayVerett mailto:jverett@webzone.net
Saw your name on the Putnam Co IL webpage. I would like some information on some of the northern Italian coalminers who lived in Putnam starting in the late 1880 and early 1900s. My surnames of interest are BERTA, BUFFO, FENOGLIO, GADDO, PERONA, REANO and VERETTO. I have some information on them. Perhaps all did not live in Putnam County. I visited the library in Hennegin the first part of October and wrote down some names of some of the surnames above in a list of persons buried in Putnam Co IL but I only had a couple of hours to do so as I was traveling cross country for a funeral or a relative. What would you charge for 4 hours of work for getting cemetery information and obituary and other available information in Putnam County on the surnames above? I would send you printouts of what I have so far. Jay Verett jverett@webzone.net
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 17:37:19 -0800
MaggieL mailto:louisrn@nevada.edu
Family legend has it that my great, great grandfather John (Johonnnes) KAPRAUN served in the Civil War. Can anyone share with me where and what units men from Marshall and Putnam Counties served??? Thank you.
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 13:03:29 -0800
Hi, I have some northern Italian ancestors that lived in Putnam Co IL and I did spend a couple of hours there on a quick trip while in the area. If you have time, what would be your rates per hour or half day as I would would you to check cemetery dates and looks of obits, etc for up to about 4 hours in Putnam County? Jay Verett jverett@webzone.net
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 18:08:34 -0700
Philip & Jane Anderson
Any and all information dealing with the Uriah Henderson family of Florid Il. Any decedents who would please contact me at pajaca@wildapache.net thank you.

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